This magical time of year is all about giving and it’s the perfect occasion for us to deliver joy to our communities, so Mayan Technologies is proud to continue to support Children’s Health℠ through our Holiday Toy Drive.
This season can be a hard time for patients and families experiencing hardships, stress, and uncertainty day to day, so our goal is simple - help put smiles on the faces of children during the holidays. Whether at home or at the hospital, we believe play makes a difference! And with the generous support of participating companies, employees, and volunteers, we can create a moment of festive cheer and happiness to many children and families during their stay or visit to Children's Hospital.
Contributing to this year's Toy Drive gives you the unique opportunity to turn any-Christmas into a Merry Christmas! By participating, you help support an organization that has dedicated over 100 years to improving children’s health and well-being. Whether it’s stuffed animals, games, or arts and crafts supplies, your gift donation can make a difference in making a child's hospital stay or visit a more cheerful one.
From all of us at Mayan Technologies, we appreciate your support and wish you happy holidays!
Together, we’re able to do so much more.
Get Involved
There is more ways than one to get involved, depending on what works best for you. Check our options and let us know, we will work with you to accomodate to whatever capacity you are comfortable with.
Donate toys! All you have to do is send them our way, we'll take care of the rest.
Place a box of your own! We'll deliver the box to you. Invite your team or customers to participate.
Get creative! We are always searching for new ways to get local businesses to participate.

Visit our Amazon wish list and choose from a selection of suggested items. Not feeling our selection? Please feel free to donate from your preferred department store and send your donation to our Texas office at the following address:
Looking for more options? Take a look at the “On-going Child Life needs” list provided by the Children's Medical Center Dallas.
Important! Toys must be new and in the original packaging.
Office Address:
Mayan Technologies
1333 W McDermott Dr. Suite 200
Allen Texas, USA 75013
Item List
Infant Items
• Vtech/Fisher Price light up Musical toys
• Sound machines
• Aquariums/Light Projectors
• Teethers/rattles
• Board books
• Playmats
• Developmental mirrors
• Sippy cups
• Batteries (All Sizes)
• Game Systems/Controllers/Accessories
(XBOX, PlayStation, Nintendo)
• iPads/Tablets
• Speakers/Headphones
• iTunes Gift Cards
• Portable chargers/Charging cords
• Board games/card games
• Action figures/Barbies/baby dolls
• Cars/trucks
• Legos/building blocks
• Play medical kits
• Puzzles
• Stuffed animals
• STEAM kits/art kits
• Sports equipment
• Play-Doh
• Sensory toys (bubble pops, squishies, etc.)
• Gift cards
Note! Toys must be new and in the original packaging.
Our Amazing Supporters
Here are our Toy Drive's supporters!
We can be happier to have the support of these amazing businesses. Any and all support is greatly appreciated, join us and sign up today!

Visit our collection points...
Last Year's Donation
Have questions? Please let us know.
Send questions, comments, feedback via email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.