The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect on the year’s challenges, accomplishments, and achievements; we set goals for the new year and count our blessings both personally and professionally. This time of year is also a great time to think about others, especially those less fortunate, in need of assistance, and do our best to give back.
Mayan Technologies is dedicated to being a socially responsible organization. Every year we seek out opportunities to give back to our community and this year was no different. With the holiday around the corner, what better time to spread happiness. Through our internal Open Heart Initiative, this year, we supported the Santa x un Día (Santa for a Day) program. The Santa x un Día program has benefited hundreds of children during the holiday season for four consecutive years and helped them have a joyful and special Christmas to remember.
This program focuses on children that live in poverty, attend school on a regular basis, and maintain good grades. These children receive Christmas gifts from sponsors which not only helps to put a smile on the faces but also motivates them to stay in school and do better academically throughout the year, therefor decreasing the number of children who abandon their studies. Last year, around 450 children benefited from this program. This year Mayan Technologies was excited to get involved in such a great cause and help exceed last year’s number of children benefited by this program.
The Santa x un Día program is coordinated by El Mediador, a social project that contributes to making the world a better place by using social media as an instrument to unite different realities. Each year, the program coordinators scout schools in the area searching for children that meet the profile to participate to make sure the benefits of the program are directed to those who really need it. It all starts when each child writes a letter to Santa listing 3 items they would like to receive this Christmas. These letters are then assigned to sponsors. Sponsors are volunteers that sign up to help make a child’s wish list a reality. Sponsors are then responsible for obtaining an item or items from a child’s wish list to later be handed out during a special Christmas event. Mayan Technologies coordinated with El Mediador to provide employees with the opportunity to participate in this effort and sponsor one or more children. Additionally, for every child sponsored by an employee, Mayan Technology sponsored another child. A total of 34 children were sponsored by Mayan Technologies.
The Christmas event took place on Tuesday, December 18th. Mayan Technologies employees along with the program coordinators gathered at Jardin De Niños Sertoma Pio X to hand out the Christmas gifts to the sponsored children. These volunteers visited classroom by classroom handing out each gift individually, there was no child in that room that wasn’t jumping of excitement when hearing their names for the presents. At the end of the event, a small celebration tool place. The celebration included cake and a piñata donated by Mayan Technologies and the school.
Overall, the event was something special to be a part of. It is hard to put in words the happiness and excitement that was experienced throughout the event. Each child had a huge smile of their face. Not only were the children happy to receive a Christmas gift, their parents were very grateful to see in their children filled with joy. Volunteering not only represents a gamma of pure positive emotions but also represents a commitment with our society, being part of a cause with great meaning and a purpose, which leads in general to accomplishment for not only the good of others but also for the personal growth and in this case was more than individuals who share a common goal.
We are happy to share this event with everyone and excited to keep participating in social efforts that give back our community. A special thanks to the Mediador for coordinating these efforts, all the sponsors that took upon themselves the task of gift searching, and the volunteers that showed up to be a part of this special Christmas event.
Happy Holidays!